Occupational English Test
The only test designed for healthcare professionals helps them move to their dreamland. This test is for 12 medical experts like doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, veterinarians, speech pathologists, radiographers, dietitians, optometrists, and podiatrists. It is the only dedicated English proficiency test for medical professionals to measure their ability to listen, read, write, and speak English in a healthcare setting.
The Occupational English Test (OET) was established in 1980. The University of Melbourne developed this test, which is now widely recognized and accepted by healthcare regulatory bodies and employers worldwide. The total time for the Occupational English Test (OET) is approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes, divided as follows:
Listening: 45 minutes
Reading: 60 minutes
Writing: 45 minutes
Speaking: 20 minutes
The fee for booking the test today is INR 32,206. There are a total of 42 questions in listening and reading. In writing, you have to write a letter from the case notes that are given, and the time allotted is 45 minutes. There are three types of letters: referral, transfer, and discharge. Reading and understanding the case notes is done in the first five minutes and the remaining forty in writing the letter.
In the speaking section, you will have two role plays, each lasting for ten minutes. The preparation time is 3 minutes; however, the delivery is for 5 minutes. The exam is recorded and marked or accessed by an external examiner. To support the role, an interlocutor plays the part of a patient. The role play measures your ability to effectively communicate in English in a healthcare setup like a clinic or a hospital.
The OET (Occupational English Test) is an international English language proficiency test specifically designed for healthcare professionals. It assesses the English language skills needed to communicate effectively in healthcare